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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Ready to read? Here’s how to create a cosy hideaway at home

As the beginning of a new year inches closer and makes the bibliophile inside you aspire to read more, here’s a practical guide to build the perfect winter cosy reading corner in your home.
Shelve it up: If you have a decent collection of books, appropriate measurement and sizing are key to exhibiting them on shelves. Coffee table books and encyclopedias can fit into a shelf of size 12” in height and 12” deep, while for smaller books, 8” to 10” in shelf height and a depth of 9” is appropriate. Keep the deeper shelves towards the bottom to avoid making the bookcase appear heavy.
Maximize on space: A reading nook doesn’t always have to be spacious. Place a chair with a footstool near a window in the corner of a vacant room. It provides the ideal setting for your morning read and allows you to soak in some Vitamin D while you’re at it. One of the most underutilized spaces in homes is under the staircase.
Turn your design dreams into reality: Want to look chic while catching up on some reading? One should swear by the motto “Style follows function.” Add a throw pillow and a side table to an armchair with a light hanging from a wall bracket or a tall floor lamp arching over you.
Get creative: Add a unique spin to your reading corner by playing with colours and using a fun piece of art, musical instrument, or a bar cabinet.
For the little ones: Creating a dedicated space for your kids to read can be one of the best ways to encourage the practice in the family. Put up a swing to make the corner fun or place a mat on the floor with cushions. Let the children decorate the walls with their favourite books or comic characters.
Fun with floral notes: From classic floral scents to book-themed candles, there is a wide variety of fragrances that you can add to your reading corner. Be it essential oils, diffusers, or candles, these items are sure to elevate your reading experience.
Inputs from Aashna Chaudhary, interior designer
